October 24, 2005

The Truth Laid Bear is surveying bloggers for their opinion on the hot political issue of the moment -- the Harriet Miers nomination -- and you can find instructions for taking part in the survey here.

I oppose the Miers nomination. I suspect that Miers and I would disagree on virtually every issue likely to come before the Court in the near future, but that's not why I'm opposed; I believe that a president has the right to appoint justices who are in keeping with his political and judicial philosophy. Getting right-wing nuts like Roberts and Miers is simply part of the price we pay for having elected a right-wing nut like Bush in the first place.

But we do, I think, have a right to basic competence from any nominee to such high office, and no matter how minimally we might define "basic competence," it seems clear to me that Miers falls short.

I don't expect Bush to withdraw her nomination; his stubbornness (or, if you're a supporter, his determination and loyalty) will keep him from doing so. I hope, though, that Miers will withdraw from consideration herself; if she does not, her hearings will be brutal and humiliating, and much as I dislike this administration, I would not enjoy watching anyone put through that.

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