August 31, 2005


The idea first came from Hugh Hewitt: "perhaps the bloggers could agree to set a day for a unified blog beg."

September 1 is Blog for Relief Day. I'm giving to Habitat for Humanity, whose work I've admired for a long time, and there are dozens of other fine organizations at work in the wake of this disaster.

The Truth Laid Bare and Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit are keeping track of the bloggers taking part; there are already over 400, and it's not even September 1 yet. If you're a blogger reading this, I hope you'll join in the "blog beg," and blogger or not, I encourage you to give whatever you can to the relief effort.

SEP. 1, 6 PM:
An update: More than 1,100 bloggers are now taking part, and roughly $125,000 has been raised so far. If you've donated, please go to The Truth Laid Bare and log your contribution so that there's an accurate record of how much has been raised through this campaign.

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