July 01, 2007

TV: Burn Notice

Summer series from USA about Michael, a spy whose employer -- never specifically identified, but it's implied that it's some subunit of the CIA -- issues a burn notice, cutting him off completely (cancelled credit, frozen bank accounts, etc.). No one will tell him why this has been done, and he's stuck in Miami (because he's also been put on the no-fly lists, and is being watched by the FBI).

It looks as if each week will find him taking some sort of spy-ish odd job to support himself, using the skills he's learned in his 15-year career: technowizardry, con artistry, hand-to-hand combat, and general deviousness. It's like Alias meets MacGyver meets Hustle.

Good cast, too. Jeffery Donovan plays Michael with dry wit and cool competence; the supporting players are Gabrielle Anwar (tough and sexy as Fiona, the ex-IRA ex-girlfriend), Bruce Campbell (having fun and hamming it up as Sam, the boozy old pal/retired spy), and Sharon Gless (Madeline, the clingy hypochondriac mother). Michael provides voice-over narration in a style that mixes 40s noir with 90s snark -- call it Raymond Chandler Bing. The blend is occasionally a bit jarring, but I have a feeling that it'll improve as the writers get the hang of it.

On the whole, it's very entertaining fluff and I look forward to seeing where it goes. The pilot will be repeated a few more times over the next week, and the show airs regularly at 10 on Thursday nights.

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