August 05, 2012

MOVIES: The Amazing Spider-Man (Marc Webb, 2012)

Finally caught up with this and wasn't all that amazed. As much as I like Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, they are (even by Hollywood standards), waaaaaaay too old to be playing high school students. And at the other end of the spectrum, Martin Sheen and Sally Field are too young-looking for Uncle Ben and Aunt May; Aunt May is supposed to be a gray-haired old lady, dammit.

(Garfield is about the same age that Tobey Maguire was when he did his first Spider-Man movie, but he looks several years older; Sheen and Field are roughly ten years younger than the more age-appropriate Cliff Robertson and Rosemary Harris were, and Field in particular looks even younger than that.)

Rhys Ifans is a dull villain and Denis Leary's police chief is no substitue for J.K. Simmons' Jonah Jameson. And the special effects have the same overwhelming problem that distracted me through all of the Maguire movies -- whenever Spider-Man starts swinging, there's no sense of him having any weight on the end of that line. It's just a massless object swinging across the screen.

Most of all, it's just too damned soon. Let us forget about the last version for a while before you shove a new one at us.

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